Schwarz Gleisbau-Maschinen OG
Schrammelgasse 1
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel 1 +43 (0) 5572 25672
Tel 2 +43 (0) 5572 24487
UID: ATU52404606
Company registration number: FN200066s
Commerical court of registration: LG Feldkirch
Member of: Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce
Authority according to §5 ECG:
Dornbirn District CouncilLiability for website linksAlthough we make every effort to control the contents of linked websites, we will accept no liability for the contents of such external links. We will accept no responsibility for the contents of the websites of our partners and other participating companies which are accessed via links from this website. The contents of linked websites remain the sole responsibility of the owners of these websites.
Copyright and conditions of usage
The contents of this website are protected by copyright law. All the aforesaid contents, text, graphics and photos are our property, with all rights reserved.The use of certain parts of the contents of this website may also constitute an infringement of the copyright and usage conditions rightfully belonging to our partners or suppliers. Use in other websites of the contents and photographic material appearing in this website is only allowed with our express permission. All information appearing in this website is given in good faith and has been thoroughly checked for accuracy. Nevertheless it cannot be guaranteed that no factual or substantial errors remain therein. We can provide no guarantee that the information contained in this website is accurate, up-to-date or complete, nor can it accept any related liability. All information provided is without prejudice. This is equally applicable for all links to other URLs which may be mentioned in our website.
Concept | Screen design | Implementation:
nu art | Michael Burtscher
Montfortstraße 23a
6850 Dornbirn
Austria | Vorarlberg
T: +43 650 911 1976
F: +43 5572 377 027